Tuesday, December 3, 2013


SubjectI'm not sure why i keep having nightmares about the bridge
DateCreated4/24/2013 12:07:00 PM
PostedDate4/24/2013 9:07:00 AM
BodyI was at the mall buying something then I went to go get us some food. Somehow the road i was supposed to be on changed i ended up at this huge bridge and I went from a car to a bike then to just standing on the bridge and it hooked to me and flung my body around it like a roller coaster. I couldn't breathe underwater at first it was fun then it just scared me. I never got to the food place I was supposed to go because now I was stuck in some kind of booth with these strangers who can't there's no way to cross back you can't go that way. I was like okay wheres my car keys and phone. For some reason they didn't have my stuff they said its with the bridge where i can't reach. I started walking found a road that lead to where I needed to go, but then the old guy in a truck picks me up takes me to my keys and then I still couldn't leave he was killing people in the truck. I found a knife and started slashing at him. I somehow was in a house in a room which was supposed to be mines but not quite. I was hiding from something then someone was helping me make sure the oven would catch fire and be okay. I don't know what happened it's like there was zombies in the house. I kept trying to lock the doors but they had no locks.

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