Sunday, October 25, 2020

gas station

I this crazy dream where I was at home with some people and I left them to get something from the store. So I am left in a car and forgot my purse someone gave me twenty to get something. I couldn't remember what I was supposed to get. I almost ran some people over on this alleyway towards the opening of the gas station. I got into the store and the guy who worked there wanted my I'd because it was late at night so I got an attitude and told him I'm not as young as I look. I asked the two store workers to lists what nessacities they sell there because I can't what I came for. So I just asked for eggs and for some reason they gave me a bag full of different types of fries. Also the lady worker gave me a common roll to give to one of the people at a table. I don't even work here which table there's two? Fuck it threw it on the floor. Then I was like shit what I was supposed to get so I tried to make another purchase and told her I can't figure out where the common roll was supposed to go so it's ok on the floor. Then somehow I ended leaving on a bike. This has station had grave stones in front it I'm like where's the parking lot. Then I woke up.

Monday, October 12, 2020


I had a dream I was on a wooden stage. I was learning how to some blocking excerise. Then I had kissed someone and it felt so real so happy everyone could see me and then I went home crying because I wasn't real it was fake. How am I supposed to know what's real and what's not and how was I supposed to deal with this. Then something about balloons. That's all I can remember.