Wednesday, November 25, 2020


I was my grandmothers so was alot of people in my family who I haven't seen in a very long time. I can't remember what was happening. There was this huge ship like something from starwars or something that we aboarded. There was so many people who lived on this ship even a psychopath. It was this black and grey stripes tiny little like lego figure but not this demon guy was a man trapped under some stairs of the ship. Where people kept watch over him. I went to try to put the boy back together with his human self. They weren't going to let me do this but I told them and him that I was his sister. They still wouldn't let down the stairs. Then he killed the other guy who was like this fighter dude. So I'm snuck in and released him fr the cell. He didn't kill me I asked him I was his sister do you remember? Then somehow we was upstairs near a refrigerator fighting and had only two hands and two eyes that stuck out if it. I again helped him out. Then he began running all over the ship killing people. Then I was with some group of people trying to close doors and put a broom stick and chairs on the handles. Blocking doors is what I told everyone to do. Some people was on the outside where he was and wasn't placing the table and chairs on the correct of the door. I had to rush and hope he wasn't there fast enough to get in or we wouldn't have a kitchen area and we starve together. So I had everyone keep placing more and more items. There was a window where I could see the waves high onboard looking as if it was to take the ship underwater. 

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