Friday, January 29, 2021

ice 🍨

I was walking around some town they had all these shops and casinos which I wanted to go inside because they looked like parties. Somehow  I ended up at my cousin's house which was huge like a manison. It had a pool with a beach connected to it. I was going to jump into the water when I seen there was alot of rocks and the waves never stop pushing. That's when I realized you couldn't see there, but the pool was safe. Jessie and buddha was fishing out front. Jenny was in the kitchen making us ice cream. After I smoked I went into the kitchen where I seen this magic hand device with a circular saw spinning around I'm the air by itself. I told jenny to run. The ice cream was like a mountain and this magic hand device was flying around it cutting it up. I started laughing so hard I wasn't sure what was going on. I told Jessie to give me some more smoke because that stuff was so good  seeing flying objects in the kitchen. Lol. I dunno what jenny ever did with the ice cream if we ever got to eat it or what because I woke up laughing so hard.

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